Thursday, January 22, 2009 was my first blogspot. This is a new one.

This one is a different kind of article that I am sitting down to write in this spur-of-the-moment email from Alexandria, VA. I write something every month for my school's newspaper from the Music Department, but this time it has nothing to do with music... other than I got to be present yesterday when Aretha Franklin sang "God Bless America" and Itzak Perlman and Yo Yo Ma played "Simple Gifts" on the violin and cello with clarinet and piano.... I didn't see them, except on the JumboTron, but I was hearing them live, packed like sardines at the Washington Monument. I was there!

I screamed with the crowds when Biden and Obama were sworn in, and it was an awesome experience to be among brothers and sisters, Americans and Foreigners, in the elated spirit of unity and hope. We were all proud to be there. We ALL felt American and we were all inspired by the words of our new President of the United States, Barack H. Obama.

I thought it was endearing when he was so eager at the swearing in that he jumped ahead. I'm sure other people had to have noticed it. It made the judge smile, too, and put him a little off-balance. I do wedding ceremonies and it reminded me of when the bride and groom say their vows--the officiant needs to say it in small chunks, otherwise, the bride or groom could get lost in the sea of words. Smaller chunks for greater meaning. That part of the ceremony definitely made me smile.

Getting to the event was no small feat. I left my friend's home in Alexandria, VA, and the metro was already packed to the gills before arriving at our stop. So we were all standing back to back, shoulder to shoulder; so tightly that no one could have fallen over when the train jumped and swayed. I am kinda sore today, because one uses a different set of muscles to remain standing when there is nothing to hold onto! We were to get off at L'Enfant station, but it was closed already. Too many people had descended and there was no more room outside of that station. We had to skip the next two stations, as well. All three were closed to incoming and outgoing traffic. So, we exited the overflowing train at Gallery in Chinatown.

The barriers were set up in such a way that the crowds could only travel in one direction. We walked abreast through the four-lane highway that was the 3rd Street Tunnel and when we exited, it seemed like a March of Millions. Ahead and behind me were throngs of people, all moving forward. We moved forward for two miles, from Chinatown all the way down to the southern lawn of the Washington Monument. Needless to say, I was a little disappointed to see the Metro stop I wanted to use in the first place at the end of this trek! The earlier crowds had been diverted to other parts of the Mall.

It was 28 degrees and dry, thank goodness, and it was exhilarating. I could see why they had to do it that way when I saw the millions of people who did show up on that frosty morning to usher in a New Day! We felt safe and protected by the evident cooperation between the security forces. There were National Guard troups, FBI jackets, Secret Service men, local policemen on horseback, police patrols, firemen...all working together on the same block. That was great to see. And, in spite of the crowded conditions, people were courteous to each other, making sure that families stayed together, that school groups stayed near their teachers, that little children weren't trampled. It could have been mayhem, but it was joyous, instead. It was amazing to see the cohesiveness of it all. Hats off to the organizers, the security and emergency personnel, and to the revelers for making it an event that none of the two million people will ever forget.

I am ecstatic that I was able to be on the fringe of such a momentous occasion in our country's history. The world is sending good thoughts our way for Obama to be successful in his intentions to bring peace, stave hunger, renew prosperity, and engender a sense of unity in the world to help us survive as a species and take care of this planet. I am proud that West Sedona School was part of the billions in the world watching him give his Inauguration speech. Did you see my face in the crowd? I was THERE.

Jeanie Carroll

Music Educator K-8
West Sedona Elementary School
and from
Arizona DJ Music & More!
928-300-7092 Cell
"Your Wish Is My Command!"

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